The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman

Author: 七七家d猫猫

Translator: Franyo via. MTL

Raws: 大戏骨,大戏骨最新章节-UU看书手机版 (

Uploads: 2/ch a week


Summary: Is he a genius in the spotlight, or is he a madman behind the scenes of the Second Avenue?


After getting the final relief from his past sufferings, Chu Jiashu was given a second chance when he found himself in the body of an infant from an aristocratic family of Hall. Now, nothing is going to stop him from achieving his long-cherished dream of acting. Enter Renly Hall, a Hollywood miracle of 21st century.


T/N - I just want to send a massage to the translator that was translating this novel - I really like this story and I saw that the last chapter you put out was ch 450 a year ago(if I am not wrong), so I decided to start translating this novel. So if you decided to return with posting chapters, just send me a massage and I am going to stop translating this novel. Best regards. T/N - Just a heads up to everyone new. I am translating novels with the help of MTL or Deepl in my case but of course I am editing chapters so that you wont have problems reading the novel.

T/N - I am going to start translating this novel from chapter 1 because that will be easier for me.

T/N - Massage to the author - if you dont want me translating your novel send me a massage and I am going to take down the translation.


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